Monday, December 08, 2008

Random thoughts at 505 mph

So I’m sitting here on the plane, writing this as I fly back to Indy to shoot the Colts game against Cincinnati before heading home later tonight and I’m thinking I have a much better appreciation for the conditions photographers who shoot in cold-weather climates like Green Bay face.

The weather in Sioux Falls would have been great if not for the wind. It was chilly at 17 degrees. That’s not terrible, but the wind chill was a killer. Unfortunately to shoot with good light, I had to sit facing directly into a 20-30 mph breeze all game. The wind came straight from one end zone to the other and it was miserable at some points.

It gets cold in Indiana, to be certain, but it rarely stays that cold for long stretches. One other thing about the cold is that it kills camera batteries. I missed one big play because I was fumbling around trying to change a battery with gloves on and hand warmers in them. It would have made a great photo, but that’s the way it goes, I guess.

So here’s to those photogs in places like Green Bay, Buffalo, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and other places where it gets so cold you end up with icicles hanging off your nose. I sympathize.

As I say that, now I’m off to shoot in the nice and warm indoor confines of Lucas Oil Stadium. Have a good game.

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